Friday, May 30, 2008

Now You're Talkin

I take back that last post. It was basically to get you guys writing.

This was officially the quickest week ever. I like when times flies by when you are anticipating an epic trip, BUT it is inevitable that time will fly by on the actual trip if you get in that mindset. Knowing this I have officially enrolled in a 4 week course on time control. This course is offered at the local clock tower at noon every day. WE have to wear robes and goofy hats to cater to the time spirits of the third moon. We will learn how to speed time up to the trip while learning how to instantly transform seconds to hours the day we depart. I hope I learn it well enough to teach all my compadres the tricks of time control on our trip. I have no doubt the longer days will help the practice of time control but still, you gotta prepare when taking on epic trips. First class is Monday. I'll keep you posted on the curriculum.
Till then, BigBlue Sleeps...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Daily Ponder

The anticipation is indeed mounting! I have many doodles on my desk calendar that depict the upcoming adventure. It is embedded in many of my student's brains and quite honestly, I think they are annoyed. I will keep annoying them until the very last day of class for two reasons. first reason- they have annoyed me all year. Second reason- I am very excited.
As far as Big Blue goes, I have absolutely no doubt that the trip will be nothing more than another chapter in its long and glorious novel. If only I could have been there to see Baby Blue grow into the distinguished and powerful van that we all know as BIG BLUE. Bring it on meese (moose plural).

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Blue in the parking lot

As anticipation mounts for us, I wonder how Big Blue is feeling. He sits in the Snap Fitness parking lot patiently, silently awaiting the open road. I imagine he has these thoughts constantly running through his engine: the freedom of the Montana highways, the suspenseful time crossing the border, the fear of hitting a moose while cruising along at a comfortable 55 miles per hour, the challenges of the Alaskan Highway, and the inevitable parting of ways with the crazy group of nine people who spent three weeks within his walls. Has anyone else thought about how he feels about the trip?

this blog sucks